2024 – Future of PCI – How Technology help Individualize Treatment of Complex Patient

  13 SEP                 13:45 – 14:15 CET


Future of PCI – How Technology help Individualize Treatment of Complex Patient

Predsedavajući/Chairpersons: Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS), Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)

Panelisti/Panelists: Daniel Aradi (Balatonfured, HU), Hrvoje Jurin (Zagreb, HR), Milenko Čanković (Novi Sad, RS)

Session Introduction & objectives (1 min.):
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS)

Case Presentation: OCT in Bifurcation (7 min.)
Milenko Čanković (Novi Sad, RS)

Discussion: Imaging in Bifurcation Lesions (2 min.)
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS)

Case Presentation: Full Physiology in PCI (7 min.)

Hrvoje Jurin (Zagreb, HR)

Discussion: Full Physiology in Practice (2 min.)
Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)

Case Presentation: DAPT for Complex PCI Does the DES platform choice make a difference (7 min.)
Daniel Aradi (Balatonfured, HU)

Discussion & Take-Home Message
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS), Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)


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