

SINERGY 2024 Live

LIVE Case Image-guided LM stenting Nanjing First Hospital

Live case PCI

Session objectives: To demonstrate advanced techniques for complex PCI of left main bifurcation.



Chairpersons: Yves Louvard (Paris, FR),  Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing, CN), Vladimir Dzavik (Toronto, CA), Goran Stanković (Belgrade, RS)

Panelists: Olivera Mićić (Užice, RS), Ivan Ilić (Belgrade, RS), Milorad Živković (Belgrade, RS), Radosav Romanović (Belgrade, RS), Milan Živković (Niš, RS), Vladimir Dedović (Belgrade, RS), Zoran Jović (Belgrade, RS)

Operators: Fei Ye (Nanjing, CN), Junjie Zhang (Nanjing, CN)

The ULTIMATE-DAPT trial (8 min.)
Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing, CN)

  13 SEP

  08:00 – 09:00 CET


  Interventional cardiology

LIVE educational case transmission from Clinique Pasteur - Toulouse, France Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

Live case TAVI

Session objectives: To showcase cutting-edge techniques for for transcatheter aortic valve implantation.



Chairpersons:  Andreas Baumbach (London, UK), Jozica Šikić (Zagreb, HR), Tomislav Krčmar (Rijeka, HR), Milan Nedeljković (Belgrade, RS)
Panelists: Milovan Petrović (Novi Sad, RS), Branko Beleslin (Belgrade, RS), Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS), Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade,RS), Milorad Tešić (Belgrade, RS), Mila Kovačević (Novi Sad, RS), Mihajlo Farkić (Belgrade, RS), Danijela Trifunović Zamaklar (Belgrade, RS)

Operator: Nicolas Dumonteil (Toulouse, FR)

  13 SEP

  09:05 – 10:05 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Clinical outcome with new generation ballon expandable THV

Session objectives: To learn about new generation ballon expandable THV



Speakers: Andreas Baumbach (London, UK), Mihajlo Farkić (Belgrade, RS), Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade, RS)

Early outcome of randomized trial comparing THV devices (15 min.)
Andreas Baumbach (London, UK)

MyVal Clinical case discussion (5 min.)
Mihajlo Farkić (Belgrade, RS)

MyVal Clinical case discussion ( 5 min.) 
Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade, RS)

Discussion (5 min.)

Sponsored by Meril Life

  13 SEP

  10:10 – 10:40 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Interventional management of pulmonary hypertension, live transmission from the University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade)

LIVE case demonstration of pulmonary denervation.

Session objectives: To demonstrate the application novel treatments of pulmonary artery hypertension.


Organizers and moderators: Goran Stanković (Belgrade, RS), Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing, CN), Arsen Ristić (Belgrade, RS)
Chairpersons: Arsen Ristić (Belgrade, RS), Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing, CN), Slobodan Obradović, (Belgrade, RS), Jovan Matijašević (Sremska Kamenica, RS)
Panelists: Boris Džudović (Belgrade, RS), Jovica Šaponjski (Belgrade, RS), Ilija Bilbija (Belgrade, RS), Dejan Simeunović (Belgrade, RS)

Introduction and presentation of operators and discussion panelists (3 min.)
Arsen Ristić (Belgrade, RS)

Case presentation – advanced pulmonary artery hypertension due to a large ventricular septal defect (3 min.)
Stefan Zaharijev (Belgrade, RS)

Right heart catheterization: tips, tricks, and common mistakes (8 min.)
Stephan Rosenkranz (Cologne, DE)

LIVE: Pulmonary artery denervation (transmission from the UCCS, Belgrade)
Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing, CN)

Live case discussion

Live-in-a-box: Pulmonary balloon angioplasty, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade (7 min.)
Arsen Ristić (Belgrade, RS), Slobodan Obradović, (Belgrade, RS)


  13 SEP

  10:50 – 11:50 CET


  Interventional cardiology

New ESC Guidelines-Upgrades on Renal Denervation

Session objectives: To gain insight into latest ESC recommendations for the use of renal denervation for the treatment of hypertension.

Speakers: Goran Stanković (Belgrade, RS), Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS), Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade, RS)

Introduction and symposium objectives
Goran Stanković (Belgrade, RS)

Renal denervation in the NEW ESC Guidelines for the management of elevated blood pressure and hypertension
Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS)

Procedural success and patient follow-up
Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade, RS)


Sponsored by Medtronic

  13 SEP

  12:00 – 12:30 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Regional cases: learning with neighbours part 2: Complex PCI - LM, CTO, Bifurcation PCI

Session objectives: To examine best practices in complex PCI for left main (LM), bifurcation, and chronic total occlusion (CTO) through case-based demonstrations.

Chairpersons: Lampros Michalis (Ioannina, GR), Marin Postu (Bucharest, RO), Valery Gelev (Sofia, BG), Miloje Tomašević (Belgrade, RS)
Panelists: Shuichiro Takanashi (Tokyo, JP), Miodrag Dikić (Belgrade, RS), Ivica Obradović (Valjevo, RS), Vuk Mijailović (Užice, RS), Saša Lončar (Banja Luka, BA), Aleksandar Davidović (Belgrade, RS), Slobodan Klašnja  (Belgrade, RS), Rada Vučić (Kragujevac, RS)


Keynote lecture: Evolution in the management of stable multivessel disease (10 min. )
Lampros Michalis (Ioannina, GR)

Anatomical consideration in Left Main PCI (8 min. + 2 min. discussion)
Valery Gelev (Sofia, BG)

Case 1 (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Sadeek Kanoun (Graz, AT)

Case 2 – DK crush in cardiogenic shock (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)

Judit Andreka (Graz, AT)

Case 3 – ACS patient with a thrombotic bifurcation lesion: Stepwise provisional approach saves the day (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Fatih Yucedag (Istanbul, TR)

  13 SEP

  12:35 – 13:40 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Future of PCI – How Technology help Individualize Treatment of Complex Patient

Session objectives: To emphasize the importance of imaging and intracoronary physiology in managing complex coronary artery disease

Predsedavajući/Chairpersons: Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS), Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)
Panelisti/Panelists: Daniel Aradi (Balatonfured, HU), Hrvoje Jurin (Zagreb, HR), Milenko Čanković (Novi Sad, RS)

Session Introduction & objectives (1 min.)
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS)

Case Presentation: OCT in Bifurcation (7 min.)
Milenko Čanković (Novi Sad, RS)

Discussion: Imaging in Bifurcation Lesions (2 min.)
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS)

Case Presentation: Full Physiology in PCI (7 min.)
Hrvoje Jurin (Zagreb, HR)

Discussion: Full Physiology in Practice (2 min.)
Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)

Case Presentation: DAPT for Complex PCI Does the DES platform choice make a difference (7 min.)
Daniel Aradi (Balatonfured, HU)

Discussion & Take-Home Message
Goran Stankovic (Belgrade, RS), Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)

Sponsored by Abbott

  13 SEP

  13:45 – 14:15 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Calcified lesions: which device and how

Session objectives: To showcase the most effective tools and techniques for tackling calcified lesions in PCI procedures

Facilitators: Petr Kala, (Brno, CZ), Georgios Triantis (Athens, GR), Vladan Vukčević (Belgrade, RS), Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS)
Panelists: Milorad Živković (Belgrade, RS), Dragan Topić (Belgrade, RS), Dušan Ružičić (Valjevo, RS), Saša Dželebdžić (Subotica, RS), Aleksandar Davidović (Belgrade, RS), Predrag Đuran (Belgrade, RS), Dušan Nikolić (Kragujevac, RS)

European consensus on calcified lesions PCI (10 min.+ 5 min. discussion)
Dejan Milašinović (Belgrade, RS)

My approach to calcified lesions (10 min.+ 5 min. discussion)

Petr Kala (Brno, CZ)

Fighting coronary calcium
(10 min.+ 5 min. discussion)
Georgios Triantis (Athens, GR)

Calcified lesion PCI (10 min.+ 5 min. discussion)
Ali Nazmi Calik (Istanbul, TR)

  13 SEP

  15:00 – 16:00 CET


  Interventional cardiology

Regional cases: learning with neighbors Part 3: Complex PCI and TAVI

Session objectives: To explore best practices in TAVI and complex PCI through case-based demonstrations.

Chairpersons: Vladimir Dzavik (Toronto, CA), Jozica Šikić (Zagreb, HR), Gerasimos Gavrielatos (Piraeus, GR), Rade Babić (Belgrade, RS)
Panelists: Luka Vukmirović (Belgrade, RS), Stefan Živković (Belgrade, RS), Srđan Bošković (Belgrade, RS), Višeslav Popadić (Belgrade, RS), Ilija Srdanović (Novi Sad, RS), Miroslav Martinović (Belgrade, RS)

Complications in contemporary CTO (10 min.)
Gerasimos Gavrielatos (Piraeus, GR)

Case 1 -New tools in BiF-TriF: CTO trifurcation with ROTA-Cutt  (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Jozica Šikić (Zagreb, HR)

Case 2 – Bifurcation CTO PCI treatment with DK crush (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Dušan Nikolić (Kragujevac, RS)

Case 3 – Chimney stenting for low take-off RCA occlusion during TAVR (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Utku Uluköksal (Istanbul, TR)


Case 4 – Complication during complex PCI with remote proctoring using HoloLens  (5 min. + 5 min. discussion)
Slobodan Ćalić (Arendal, NO)

  13 SEP

  16:10 – 17:00 CET


  Interventional cardiology

LIVE cases transmission University Clinical Center of Serbia CTO PCI: a case in point

Live case PCI

Session objectives: To showcase cutting-edge techniques for complex PCI in chronic total occlusion (CTO) lesions.

Chairpersons: Siniša Stojković (Belgrade, RS), Gerasimos Gavrielatos (Piraeus, GR), Valery Gelev (Sofia, BG), Nenad Božinović (Niš, RS)
Panelists: Mladen Tasić (Belgrade, RS), Slobodan Ćalić (Arendal, NO), Bojan Maričić (Niš, RS), Aleksandar Jolić (Zaječar, RS), Marijan Spasić (Belgrade, RS), Predrag Đurić (Belgrade, RS)

Operators: Gerald Werner (Darmstadt, DE), Sunao Nakamura (Tokyo, JP), Stefan Juričić (Belgrade, RS), Vladimir Dedović (Belgrade, RS)

Lectures during LIVE transmission:
Case 1 – Uncrossable CTO lesion troubleshooting
Lazar Travica (Belgrade, RS)/ Zlatko Mehmedbegović (Belgrade, RS)
Case 2 – TBA

  13 SEP

  17:00 – 19:00 CET


  Interventional cardiology